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Ecalauna List




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Person is present within the book but wasn’t introduced.

†  Person was introduced in a short story or novelette.


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Current Ecalauna


Aeserast Corymth



Title: Creation’Lord  |  Species: Alkinian-Quanaret  |  Danarko, Chapter 1​



Aihalia Corymth



Title: Material’Lord  |  Species: Alkinian-Quanaret  |  Ecalain, Chapter 2



Bojek Fairn



Title: Balance’Lord  |  Species: Quanaret  |  Ecalain, Chapter 2



Darion Bronzec



Title: Death’Lord / Eleth’Lord  |  Species: Alkinian  |  Danarko, Chapter 10



Derak Tyrmas



Title: Nature’Lord  |  Species: Alkinian  |  Carni, Chapter 18



Esme Norcas



Title: Water’Lord  |  Species: Alkinian-Blazhreian  |  Carni, Chapter 18



Kyle of the Bear Tribe



Title: Shape’Lord  |  Species: Laig’hius  |  Carni, Chapter 18



Lilly Mirana



Title: Life’Lord / Jethel’Launa  |  Species: Alkinian  |  Danarko, Chapter 10​



Lyon Rumpelstiltskin



Title: Contract’Lord  |  Species: Elemental  |  Ecalain, Chapter 5



Rachel Norcas



Title: Fire’Lord  |  Species: Alkinian-Blazhreian  |  Carni, Chapter 18



Reema Galorna



Title: Lightning’Lord  |  Species: Alkinian |  Has not been introduced yet



Riley O’Connor



Title: War’Lord  |  Species: Alkinian-Earthling  |  Danarko, Chapter 12



Shaniel Quayn Dennir



Title: Common’Lord  |  Species: Alkinian-Blazhreian-Laig’hius  |  Danarko, Chapter 3






Title: Time’Lord  |  Species: Alkinian  |  Danarko, Chapter 11



Tyson Mills




Title: Air’Lord  |  Species: Alkinian-Earthling  |  Ecalain, Chapter 21​





Past Ecalauna


Artemis Alamir



Original Common’Lord  |  Species: Alkinian |  Carni, Chapter 14






Previous Air’Lord  |  Species: Alkinian-Saheian  |  Danarko, Chapter 10






Title: Life’Lord  |  Species: Alkinian-Quanaret  |  Ecalain, Chapter 13



Nimue Shasta



Title: Creation’Lord  |  Species: Alkinian  |  The original Creation’Lord  |  Ecalain, Chapter 5







Title: Air’Lord from when Shaniel Contracted  |  Species: Alkinian-Quanaret  |  Danarko, Chapter 15 and Carni, Chapter 12



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