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People from Carni




This list contains all of the individuals found within Carni, the third book in the Danarko Saga.


Note About Marks

Information is not available in this section; hyperlink(s) may contain spoilers.

Person is present within the book but wasn’t introduced.

†  Person was introduced in a short story or novelette.


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Ace Narweun



Title: Quasalan Ambassador; Spy  |  Species: Alkinian  |  Aeserast’s Alias  |  Danarko, Chapter 6



Aeserast Corymth



Title: Creation’Lord  |  Species: Alkinian-Quanaret  |  Danarko, Chapter 1​



Aihalia Corymth



Title: Material’Lord  |  Species: Alkinian-Quanaret  |  Ecalain, Chapter 2



Aion Danarko (Viridian)



Title: Ecalain  |  Species: Alkinian  |  Cronus’s Daughter; her death was an accident that fueled the strife between the Alamir and Danarko families  |  Carni, Chapter 21






Title: Ambassador  |  Species: Laig’hius (Lupine)  |  Carni, Chapter 3 (also mentioned in My Unsung Hero)



Alec Roanoak



Title: Duir’ne  |  Species: Alkinian-Saheian  |  Danarko, Chapter 14



Artemis Alamir



Title: Ecalain; Original Common’Lord  |  Species: Alkinian |  Referred to as “pesky redhead” in Ecalain, Chapter 1; Officially introduced in Carni, Chapter 14



Bojek Fairn



Title: Balance’Lord  |  Species: Quanaret  |  Ecalain, Chapter 2



Cain Bronzec



Title: Carni Alamir’s Personal Guard  |  Species: Alkinian  |  Carni, Chapter 10



Carni Alamir



Title: Duir’toa’ne  |  Species: Alkinian  |  Danarko, Chapter 18


Artemis Updated


Cleo Roanoak



Title: Adul’ne  |  Species: Alkinian-Saheian  |  Danarko, Chapter 14



Codi Danarko



Title: Voi’duir’stra  |  Species: Alkinian-Blazhreian  |  Danarko, Chapter 2






Title: Elemental Ambassador  |  Species: Elemental  |  Carni, Chapter 10



Cronus Danarko (Viridian)



Title: Ecalain; Kurivo  |  Species: Alkinian  |  A family member from one of the most renowned original Ecalain families; he was disowned and subsequently labeled Kurivo because his views differed from that of his family  |  Carni, Chapter 14






Title: The Essence  |  Species: Source  |  The nickname Mara gives the Essence; it means “silver.”  |  Ecalain, Chapter 21



Darion Bronzec



Title: Death’Lord; Eleth’Lord  |  Species: Alkinian  |  Danarko, Chapter 14



Darius Bronzec



Title: Eliara Alamir’s Personal Guard  |  Species: Alkinian  |  Carni, Chapter 6



Derak Tyrmas



Title: Nature’Lord  |  Species: Alkinian  |  Carni, Chapter 18



Desdemona Shasta



Title: Duir’ne; Paro’stra  |  Species: Alkinian  |  Danarko, Chapter 19



Eliara Alamir



Title: Duir’raz’ne  |  Species: Alkinian  |  Danarko, Chapter 18


D - Danti


Erimentha Alamir



Esme Norcas






Evan Shasta



Ezra Danarko






Gamelunesh  †









Title: City’Lord (Unofficial); Ecalain  |  Species: Alkinian  |  Danarko, Chapter 20



Title: Water’Lord  |  Species: Alkinian-Blazhreian  |  Carni, Chapter 18



Title: N/A  |  Species: Source  |  A shattered portion of Eliara Alamir’s Source  |  Danarko, Chapter 1 (Explained in Chapter 18)



Title: Duir’ne; Paro’stra  |  Species: Alkinian-Blazhreian  |  Danarko, Chapter 16



Title: Medic Advisor; Tein’fu; Voiduir’ne  |  Species: Alkinian  |  Danarko, Chapter 1



Title: Blade of Death  |  Species: Kareia  |  Danarko, Chapter 13



Title: Blade of Moon’s Flower  |  Species: Kareia  |  Ecalain, Chapter 19

(Danarko, Chapter 1 Short Story: Aeserast’s Perspective)



Title: Blade of Harbinger  |  Species: Kareia  |  Danarko, Chapter 12



Title: --  |  Species: Kareia  |  The original name of Gamerog  |  Carni, Chapter 8







Title: Talon  |  Species: Dragonkin  |  One of Ryutaro’s retainers  |  Carni, Chapter 18



Gerard Folion



Title: Headmaster  |  Species: Alkinian-Blazhreian-Laig’hius (Lupine)  |  Danarko, Chapter 12






Title: Headmaster  |  Species: Alkinian-Blazhreian-Laig’hius (Lupine)  |  Danarko, Chapter 12



Jayden Shasta



Title: Duir’ne; Paro’stra  |  Species: Alkinian-Blazhreian  |  Danarko, Chapter 20






Title: Vuti’Voyana  |  Species: Erus  |  A warlock spy; had placed a seal on Alamirta’s translocation platform 500 Blaz years ago  |  Carni, Chapter 15



Kael Brunet



Title: Tein’stra; Veeran Guard  |  Species: Alkinian-Saheian  |  My Unsung Hero is his story; he is the rebirth of Cain Bronzec  |  Danarko, Chapter 10






Kimala Grace Brunet



Kyle of the Bear Tribe



Title: --  |  Species: Kareia  |  Ecalain, Chapter 3



Title: Tein’stra; Medic  |  Species: Alkinian-Saheian  |  Danarko, Chapter 2



Title: Shape’Lord  |  Species: Laig’hius  |  Carni, Chapter 18


Hope Updated
K - K’sanri
Kael Updated


Kyrina Alamir



Title: Da’neka  |  Species: Alkinian  |  Danarko, Chapter 18



Lilith Viridian



Title: Ecalain  |  Species: Alkinian  |  Her family was the first to discover Elethanos and Elethavi; when Cronus was disowned, her family took him in and allowed him to take on their name  |  Carni, Chapter 4



Lilly Mirana



Title: Life’Lord / Jethel’Lord; Executive Medic Advisor  |  Species: Alkinian  |  Danarko, Chapter 10​






Title: N/A  |  Species: Carni’s Children  |  She is the creation of the wishes and dreams of those who have wandered Carni; the Highlords have identified her form as that of a young Rinali Alamir.  |  Carni, Chapter 1



Lyon Rumpelstiltskin



Title: Contract’Lord  |  Species: Elemental  |  Ecalain, Chapter 5






Title: Ecalain Ambassador  |  Species: Laig’hius  |  Carni, Chapter 3 & My Unsung Hero






Title: Highlord’s Informant  |  Species: Elemental  |  Danarko, Chapter 8



Mara Ariela Danarko



Title: Ecalain; Essence’s Vessel; Goindun of the Northern Dragon Clan;  Tein’stra of Veera; Tein’fu of Danarkana; Voi’duir’stra of Quasala; Kuri’Voyana  |  Species: Alkinian  |  Danarko, Chapter 1


L - Lilith
Mara Updated





Title: Quasalan Ambassador  |  Species: Saheian  |  Carni, Chapter 11






Title: Eleth’Lord’s Assistant  |  Species: Alkinian-Garneian  |  Ecalain, Chapter 10 (Name mentioned in Danarko, Chapter 14 Short Story: Darion’s Perspective)



Morrigan Danarko (Viridian)



Title: Ecalain; Da’ruha  |  Species: Alkinian  |  Recent discoveries have led some to believe the Da’ruha might actually be Morrigan Danarko from one of the original Ecalain families  |  Carni, Chapter 4






Title: Aeserast’s Creation  |  Species: Carni Matter + Source  |  Carni, Chapter 1



Naiya Shasta



Title: Paro’ki  |  Species: Alkinian  |  Danarko, Chapter 19






Title: Aeserast’s Creation  |  Species: Carni Matter + Source  |  Carni, Chapter 1



Narein & Naros



Blazhreia’s Moons  |  Danarko, Chapter 4



Nirvinia Dennir



Title: Shaniel’s Sister  |  Species: Alkinian-Blazhreian-Laig’hius  |  Ecalain, Chapter 21






Title: Ecalain Ambassador  |  Species: Laig’hius  |  Carni, Chapter 4 & My Unsung Hero


P - Phan
R - Rachel
Reivin D
Reivin S Updated





Title: Aeserast’s Creation  |  Species: Carni Matter + Source  |  Carni, Chapter 9






Title: Master Illusionist  |  Species: Alkinian-Saheian  |  One of Mara’s instructors at Cerlail Academy  |  Ecalain, Chapter 2



Rachel Norcas



Title: Fire’Lord  |  Species: Alkinian-Blazhreian  |  Carni, Chapter 18






Title: Vuti’Voyana; Goindun  |  Species: Alkinian-Gaian  |  Carni, Chapter 17



Ralph Berin



Title: Wizard; Head Researcher  |  Species: Alkinian  |  Ecalain, Chapter 6



Rath Shasta



Title: Paro’ki  |  Species: Alkinian  |  Naiya’s husband  |  Ecalain, Chapter 19



Rayne Lieuss



Title: Ecalain; Original Common’Lord  |  Species: Alkinian-Blazhreian  |  14th incarnation of Artemis Alamir; birth name  |  Carni, Chapter 14



Reivin Danarko



Title: Ecalain  |  Species: Alkinian-Elemental  |  Cronus’s failed experimental child in an attempt to gain the abilities of an elemental  |  Ecalain, Chapter 20 (Explained more in depth in Shattered Reality)



Reivin Shasta



Title: Paro’stra; Phan’stra  |  Species: Alkinian |  Rath’s and Naiya’s newborn child via phan’stra pill; Rath had named her after one of his previous children  |  Ecalain, Chapter 19



Rhea Alamir



Title: Ecalain Adul’ne  |  Species: Alkinian  |  Mother of the Four Ancient Sisters  |  Carni, Chapter 3 & Shattered Reality






Riley O’Connor



Rinali Alamir



Ryutaro of the Northern Dragon Clan









Shaniel Quayn Dennir



Shokain Alamir



Shokain Danarko



Title: Guard  |  Species: Blazhreian  |  Danarko, Chapter 5



Title: War’Lord  |  Species: Alkinian-Earthling  |  Danarko, Chapter 12



Title: Da’ruha; Dark Warrior  |  Species: Alkinian  |  Danarko, Chapter 18



Title: Duir’ne  |  Species: Dragonkin  |  Seventh son of the seventh son  |  Danarko, Chapter 7



Title: Medic  |  Species: Alkinian-Garneian  |  In service to the Shasta family  |  Danarko, Chapter 19



Title: Essence’s Vessel  |  Species: Alkinian-Gaian  |  4250-4268 R.E.; led the army in Ecalain War II  |  Ecalain, Chapter 2



Title: Common’Lord  |  Species: Alkinian-Blazhreian-Laig’hius  |  Danarko, Chapter 3



Title: Ecalain Adul’ne  |  Species: Alkinian  |  Father of the Four Ancient Sisters  |  Carni, Chapter 3



Title: Tein’fu of Danarkana; Master Mage; Voiduir’ne  |  Species: Alkinian  |  Danarko, Chapter 1


Shokain A
T - Teresa


Teresa Roanoak



Title: Duir’ne  |  Species: Alkinian-Saheian  |  Alec’s older sister; in line for the throne  |  Carni, Chapter 14









Tower’s Ghost



Twyla Verain






Title: Highlord’s Informant  |  Species: Elemental  |  Danarko, Chapter 16



Title: Time’Lord  |  Species: Alkinian  |  Danarko, Chapter 11



Title: Unknown  |  Species: Unknown  |  A mysterious presence often spotted around the Tower of Discord  |  Ecalain, Chapter 21



Title: Duir’ne; Ecalain  |  Species: Alkinian  |  Wandered into Carni and encountered the Will at a very young age  |  Ecalain, Chapter 6



Title: Head Portal Engineer  |  Species: Saheian  |  Ecalain, Chapter 2



Tyson Mills



Title: Air’Lord  |  Species: Alkinian-Earthling  |  Ecalain, Chapter 21​



Vierna Lunawer



Title: Chief Wizard of Cerlail Academy  |  Species: Alkinian-Quanaret   |  Carni, Chapter 7 (mentioned in passing in Danarko, Chapter 11)






Title: Air’Lord from when Shaniel Contracted  |  Species: Alkinian-Quanaret  |  Mentioned in Danarko and Ecalain, Chapter 15



White-Haired Man



Will, The



Title: N/A  |  Species: Source + Voyana  |  Add’l Names: Carni’s Will, Auntie, Ruica  |  Carni, Chapter 1



Species: Unknown  |  An individual wanted for questioning by the Highlords; he is suspected to know more information about the Da’ruha’s appearances  |  Ecalain, Chapter 8


V - Vierna
W - Wayne


William Wester



Title: Blacksmith  |  Species: Blazhreian  |  Safeguards Gamerog within his store  |  Danarko, Chapter 12









Zandria (Viridian)




Title: Head Portal Engineer at Alamirta  |  Species: Alkinian-Saheian  |  Carni, Chapter 15



Title: Chief Wizard’s Assistant  |  Species: Alkinian-Laig’hius |  Carni, Chapter 7



Title: Kurivo; Vuti’Voyana  |  Species: Alkinian  |  One of the survivors from Voyana’s initial explosion  |  Carni, Chapter 16



Y - Yander
Z - Zain
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